Sunday 30 January 2011

My first skirt is finished!

I finished my skirt, which I'm affectionately calling my Cadbury skirt, as the purple is the same colour as Cadburys purple on a dairy milk wrapper, my favourite! It only took me a couple of hours to re-make it with the new waistband and it meant I could correct a few things that had gone awry during the first attempt. First time round I'd used my sewing machine to do the gathering stitches but when I took the stitches out they'd left holes in the fabric, so on my second attempt I hand stitched the gathers and made the seam allowance between the top of the skirt and the waistband so any fabric which had holes in it was then in the seam allowance which I then trimmed down. So now there aren't any holes in it, hooray! However, the skirt is now slightly too big... I think it's meant to be high waisted but it sits lower on my waist, however that's not too much of a problem as I can just wear it as a normal skirt and then wear it high waisted with a belt. If I do this pattern again then I'll keep that in mind and make the waistband smaller than my second attempt! Luckily for me, Tilly from Tilly and the Buttons has just posted about cutting out your pattern at the right size, and I'm definitely taking her tips on board! She notes that even though the pattern shows measurements correlating with a certain size, the pattern pieces usually come up too big (I've definitely found this) so you should measure the pattern pieces and check them before you cut them out!

Anyway, here's a picture of the skirt:

And since I'm wearing it today, here's a pic of it on (though I've cheated and safety pinned the back so I don't have to wear a belt!)

So now it's on to my valentines dress, as all the fabric has arrived so I'm ready to get going!

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